Guess what, maybe they were just LUCKY.
After spending 2 consecutive months in the land of order, Germany, I had to go home and therefore took one of the Emirates flight and transit in Dubai. In minutes, I already become myself again; THE MISS COMPLAIN.
1 1. The information was thoroughly unclear. It was not stated clearly, where the passengers should go. Well, I was not really aware too, considering I did not sleep at all during the flight from München to Dubai. Partly my fault, but it still pissed me off because I took the wrong direction and ended up in the Passport check for entering Dubai.
2. The service was awfully ugly. I consider the people unwillingly do the service. For example, the man in the service counter answered my questions while taking a phone call. And I mean personal phone call, with his cell phone! The people who should take control of the queues were also rude and they scream to each other.
3. 3.
The airport was terribly crowded. I instantly recall my experience walking in the middle of Mall Kelapa Gading. The alley was narrow, too many people, and I couldn’t even sip my vanilla latte without being hit. Don’t even think about getting some sleep if you don’t have the access to the VIP lounges. The chairs were occupied, and some ugly smelly people slept recklessly on the floor(which ironically, I think come from Indonesia – some sort of maids sent abroad).
4. 4.
Frankly speaking, the airport is aesthetically not so pretty as well. After some desperate time, I decided to sit on a cozy corner of Häagen-Dazs, which was one of the few places where the space is normally arranged. The only view I got was a superficial garden in the middle of nowhere. After spending so many times reading books in the state gardens of Germany, of course this view annoyed me. I am not trying to be arrogant, but just look how it seems:
5. 5.
As I sat and ate my ice cream, suddenly an alarm rang. An alarm! As in, it was HURTING MY EARS, and nobody seemed to care! There was no security whatsoever. I decided to finish my delicious strawberry summer berry ice cream early and leave the place.
So now I am sitting on the floor, charging my laptop to an LG charging station. And one of those uneducated TKI played dangdut music. LOUDLY. In the middle of the room, in which so many people are asleep. After I finish writing this, I would definitely make a scene with this stupid woman.
And I thought I would save my anger until I reach Jakarta…
Oh well.
Pasang muka manis.
“Mbak, mbak…boleh tolong…………..”
Wah, Dubai International Airport ternyata ga sebagus yg gw kira ya? Gw baca di 1 buku traveler, katanya DIA mewah banget, bagus banget... pokoknya bener2 bandara impian... tapi kalo pun mewah, percuma ya kalo servisnya jelek.