Wednesday, July 17, 2013


So, I have been living in Vienna for the past 2 months, and things are looking great.
I have found a perfect place to live, in an elite district, with the great surroundings and easy access, and near the place I babysit.

Wait, what?
Yupp, I am lucky enough to find a little job by babysitting a sweet 5-year-old for some time now.
Everybody who knows me would scream or laugh, because they know, I am not great with kids. I used to resent kids so much that I would just stare to those who make extremely loud noises or run around without any purpose.

I did find it difficult to connect with children, which is why I always avoid teaching children back then in Indonesia. I always find it hard to communicate with them, trying to get along or to talk with them, like there is a wall of bricks I cannot and I would not crash down. When I was finally trusted to teach some children, they are mostly over 8-years-old, which means they are mostly easier to communicate with, it is much easier to tell them what to do or not to do, and they are already capable of reasoning.

But 5-years-old? I never had such experience playing with one, moreover to taking care of one. But one of my best friends who used to be a Kindergarten teacher told me; always believe that you are capable, when you are dealing with kids. Not only it will make you feel better, but also it will somehow connects with the kid you are taking care of. Believe it or not; it is true.

The first few meetings were difficult, she talked to me, but mostly she will look away and want to play with a gadget, and never ask me to stay and play something with her. I was supposed to speak in English, but she always replies in German. And I said to myself, maybe this is not my kind of thing. Maybe I am just not right for this. Until she had chickenpox.

Her mother has no choice, she has to hire me because she has to work and the child has to stay at home. The main babysitter was not available at all. I was thinking to turn down this offer, but then I gave it a try. I need a job for summer, anyway.

I asked my friend, what to do, what to say, what will make this child comfortable having me around. Then after discussing for a while, we found out that children smell fear or negative feelings. So if I believe that I would not make her comfortable, she would feel uncomfortable. I have been wondering if her attitude affects me or the other way around. So then I came, trying to fill myself with all the positivity and smile and energy to take care of her for about 4 hours (which, for me, was a great deal of time).

And somehow, after we draw things and dance and eat and tell stories, she becomes so sweet. I was surprised that she wants to play with me all the days after, and even gives signs of affection toward me.

The crazy thing is, she also became my teacher. She patiently teaches me German, while I teach her English. She shows me how to be creative and focus on things that make us happy instead of wondering about people's minds. She teaches me about trust; she never lies to her mother and if we are about to eat something she would ask me to ask her mom, and if she tells me something from her mom, she would really appreciate if I do not ask her mom to confirm. She also teaches me to dance, one of the things I hate, we would dance (the dance is really ugly), just keep moving our bodies without any intention to be pretty, and forget about the rest of the world. She guides me patiently to enter her world, a world free from prejudice and fear that I constantly deal with for the last few years.

I am so grateful that in a few months I get to experience so much joy and affection from so many people, and have already learned so much.

I am so excited for the upcoming years to come! :)

me and the sweet child

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Papers and Stuffs

Ok. So yesterday was a holiday, which means I cannot do anything unless sleeping and eating, basically. So there was a dinner invitation from my friend, and we ate the best duck noodle in town. And then we go to a place called MuseumsQuartier, which is the quarters of several big museums. But don’t think that it’s the kind of boring-museum-stuffs. It is actually a great and popular place to hang out, with great restaurant serving good selections of wine.

Today I was quite sure of what to do, since my friend told me where to go to process my state-registration and bank account. After the two are done, I can’t wait to turn my blackberry service on. I am dying to talk to my boyfriend! So I queued, talked with the service guy at Orange provider, and doing this and that and sign everywhere, suddenly he stopped. “I am sorry, your visa needs to be longer than six months.” Then he tore the papers, as to add more drama to it. (Wtf??)

I was quite confused, since I cannot do many things without any number. I thought I am going to another provider, but then it occured to me, that guy thinks I am only interested in Blackberry service. I am supposed to get a number even without the service. So I went to Orange again and ask for a number. That being done, I went to the Westbahnhof (West Station), which is like my ultimate place to find free wifi. Fortunately my WhatsApp works, so I ask my friends about the visa. So, after the registration at MA 15 (Anmeldung) and opening a bank account, I also have to process insurance at WGKK (it’s quite far) and then do another registration at MA 35 to have my student visa.

Enough with the boring paperwork. I am going to continue these stuffs tomorrow. The most important thing for me now is to deal with my study schedule, which I have not get, and get the clear information about how the hell am I going to begin studying at the end of a semester. So I decided to go home, have lunch, and wait for the secretariat to open.

Oh, one funny thing. So my room is in an apartment consists of 5 girls. One of them is the head of the house, who has been telling me all the rules (and managed to have a new rule everytime I pass her by). Another one beside my room is a cute Vietnamese girl. She cannot speak English, and cannot speak German. Right. So she brings her iPhone and communicate with Google Translate all the time. But she has been so nice, she asked me if I need anything, she is willing to help, because it was really hard for her the first time. Today she’s going to IKEA and ask me if I need to buy something and want to go together. I cannot, but then she gave me her internet-USB so I can use her internet while she was away. Great, isn’t it? Well....not really. Because I ask for the pin number and she gave me the wrong one, and now she’s away. And my stupid-self forgot to ask for her phone number, so I have this powerful internet device beside me and not being able to use it. Okaaaay. But I think these days with her would be so interesting.

First Week in Vienna

So here I am.
I am finally sitting in a room above the music conservatory where I study, making myself comfortable considering I will stay here for a few months. Fortunately this is a holiday, so I can just sit and plan what I am going to do for the rest of the week. I still have to deal with the State Office, the bank, the insurance, and of course with the Conservatory. The first month would absolutely be the craziest month of all, I am sure. Because I have to deal with so much, not yet familiar with the streets and the U-Bahn, not yet good German. I am so thankful that the many people here can and want to speak English.

So after spending 2 nights of great fun in Dubai, with excessed baggage, I managed to escape paying for the baggage and flew to Vienna. The flight was delayed, but thankfully I arrived exactly on 5 PM, as I promised the person who got the key. After the exhausting stairs (while bringing my 33kgs of luggage plus a backpack), talked to a girl who apparently is the student head of the house, I got the key, and thankfully the person informed me that I got a single room. So I don’t have to share the room with someone I don’t know! Ok. The room was small but nice enough, 2x4 maybe, with a bed without pillow or sheet whatsoever, it has a long table, several chairs, and a shoe cupboard. No cupboard.

This apartment is actually a temporary apartment. The person said I can use it longer than 3 months, but I guess I am not going to stay here more than 3 months. There is no internet, no washing machine, though I kinda like the place and surely the location being the top of the conservatory is great. I can buy internet card for laptop, but there’s no way I can live washing my clothes by hand everyday. And for this kind of facility, it is quite expensive. The good thing is, I got the single room. I don’t have to share the room with a stranger, and it gives me some sort of peace. Well, I can cry anytime I want to. :p

It’s only the second day. I still miss my boyfriend an awful lot. I can’t wait for him to come here next month after his trip to Netherland. My friends back home gave me a USB contains a love-letter, wishing me for the best and all. I have my mom’s envelope with her wish written on it.

I am so thankful! So many people supporting me with any way they can. They really believe in me, they are really sure that I can be great. It is something I would keep in mind whenever I try to doubt myself. The road is steeple just because it’s going up. Ah, I would let the melancholy hits me for a while...I don’t think it would be this hard when I begin my study, make know, just really live here. I want to live here, not being here leaving my life in Jakarta.